
These plates have the same structure as the Rockstar plates, but are somewhat more colourful. I use them quite often & just thought I would share them.

Make sure you have a tool to open .txd files.


1. Download all of these image files:

(Based on US plate for GTASA)

2. Navigate to you GTA SA directory.

3. Go to the file: models > generic > vehicle.txd.

4. Now find the images: "plateback1", "plateback2", "plateback3" & "platecharset".

5. Replace them with these images (CTRL + R) and then save (CTRL + S).

This how I recreated some of the textures in specific mods. Notice that anything in the middle of the image will be crushed after applying the distortion, so I recommend creating it separately by hand.

After creating the basic shape of the wheel, you can proceed to create some spokes:

I recommend spinning up to 1/4 (not all the way around) and then mirroring that 1/4 to avoid "damaged" pixels.

By learning this technique, you can do a variety of other things like this particle.

First draw a gradient (this one was done with brushes):

Now apply the same distortion as the first tutorial image:

After a few retouches, you have a nice "coronastar" to put into the game! Keep experimenting and you might find some awesome uses:

Apply your own texture to CJ's garage door.

Version 1:

Initial release


You can now put a custom image on CJ's garage through the .dff + .txd file.

For those that are interested, here are some alternatives to the regular sites and services we use. In case you wonder why you should even bother switching, here are some interesting facts:



Facebook is a data mine that invades the users private information and sells it to the highest bidder.
Also, Facebook does not respect the freedom of expression of its users. Expect to be "shadow banned" if you post information that inconveniences extreme leftist ideologies or even ideas that you merely disagree with (Yes, I have been banned).

Facebook alternative:

Minds is similar to Facebook, but the privacy and freedom of expression of its users is respected. It's still in a beta stage, but is gaining some traction.



Similar deal with Facebook, just another massive spy network that works like a search engine. Google is very vigilant on keywords, that is how you are tracked.

Google alternative: DuckDuckGo

Again, DuckDuckGo is still in its infancy, but at least your searches aren't monitored by a massive greedy corporation. It is fully functional.


Explorer/Safari/Google Chrome Web Browser:

These browsers are okay for downloads, that is the only reason to keep them. They are slow browsers and are highly vulnerable to hacking & even viruses.

Google Chrome alternative: Brave Browser

Brave is simply amazing, it is renowned the fastest browser in the world and it does not have Chrome's vulnerabilities. It is fully functional and is constantly updated.



After sometime, you will see more and more channels disappearing on YouTube. The objective is to slowly turn it into TV. That's right, no choice for the viewers is YouTube's primary goal and it is going to be achieved through censorship.

YouTube alternatives: BitChute or

The policies and terms of service are much more clearly stated in comparison to YouTube and it's vague "hate speech" nonsense.


Google store:

Apps that have content that inconveniences the narrative of Google are being taken down.

Google store alternative: Aptoide

Uncensored and has interesting features.


I am a firm believer that we the people, have a right to freedom of expression and we also have privacy rights. Please feel free to share this information to as many as possible.